I was at the dentist yesterday for my annual checkup and cleaning and we both marveled at the fact that we somehow lost eight months this year.

The more people I’ve talked to, the most I’ve noticed a trend: either things seem to be speeding up, we are distracted and unaware of time passing, or both (somehow).

In either case, we are at the end of one year and quickly approaching another.

I’ve tried to made it a habit to take time each year to reflect back on what happened and where I sense God is leading me in the new year.

As such, if you care to join me in some reflection, here are a few good questions to consider (my recommendation is that you journal your responses).

18 Questions to Reflect Back and Look Forward

  • What were a few of my standout, interesting, or memorable moments and experiences this year?
  • What was the greatest challenge I faced and what did I learn from it? (specifically, what did God teach me about Himself through the challenge/difficulty?)
  • What passage of Scripture stood out to me this year and why? And/or, what was three key lessons I learned from Scripture this year?
  • How have I grown spiritually this past year? In what ways have I deepened in my love for Jesus, my understanding of the Bible, and grown in my dependence upon Him?
  • What have I learned about myself? What things need to be changed, removed, or added in order for my life to better reflect the life of Christ according to the standard of Scripture?
  • What were some of my key prayers this year? Which ones did God answer (and specifically how)? What do I need to continue praying for?
  • In what areas/ways can I show that God is clearly leading me and giving me direction?
  • How has God surprised me this year?
  • Is there anything from this past year that I feel disappointed in? Why? Is it because of pride and self-focus or?? Does anything need to change (in myself, circumstances, etc.)?
  • What spiritual disciplines did I regularly engage in and how have those helped, grown, and deepened my spiritual life and relationship with Christ? What disciplines need to change, be added, or removed this next year?
  • How well did I practice rest, sabbath, and silence this year?
  • How did I cultivate a deeper communion of prayer?
  • Did I celebrate well? Did I live with joy daily? Was thanksgiving continually upon my lips? (see 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18).
  • What am I most excited for at the end of this year? What am I most excited for in the new year?
  • Is there one word or Bible verse that captures how I sense God is impressing me to live in this next year?
  • How can I be more Jesus-focused and not self-consumed this next year?
  • Who can I intentional serve, show the love of Christ to, and/or declare the transformative power of the Gospel to this next year?
  • How can I show greater hospitality and generosity this year?

Whether you use one (or all) of these questions to reflect back and/or look forward, I encourage you to spend some time with Jesus this week and freshly surrender your agenda, your plans, your goals … in short, your life, to the King of kings, Jesus Christ.

If you want some great daily questions to ask yourself this year, look at the Holy Club of Oxford questions.

Photo Credit: Curated Lifestyle

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