The grand message of the Gospel is that we not only have new life, but that life is Jesus Christ Himself. We are told that Christ is our life (Colossians 3:3–4) and we are to live through Him (1 John 4:9). We are reminded that as Christians, we have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer us who live, but Christ lives in us (Galatians 2:20). In short, our lives are no longer our own, for we were bought with a price, therefore, we should glorify God with our lives (1 Corinthians 6:19–20).

In this twelve-part series, Nathan Johnson explores the incredible reality of living in the Word—both in the Living Word (Jesus) and in His written Word (Scripture). We will examine the essence of Christianity, how to live and abide in His life, and how to study the Bible for the purpose of knowing Christ Jesus more.

Thanks for your patience as we build out this page and expand the original content.

In the meantime, you can listen to the entire series of “Life in the Word” on the Daily Thunder page at Ellerslie.

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