I love a good Christian quote … truth that is stated in a pithy and profound way that leaves you pondering it throughout the day.

For example, Leonard Ravenhill once said, “The world out there is not waiting for a new definition of Christianity; it’s waiting for a new demonstration of Christianity.”

That’s a good thought to consider today.

Since I love reading and am a fan of great quotes, I’ve gathered quite a collection over the years …

For over 13 years I have posted “daily” quotes on my website—a collection that is nearing 5000. Though I’ve missed a few days and recently moved to posting only Monday through Friday, I love the simple and sublime statements that turn my gaze fresh upon Jesus.

Which is why it is hard for me to push pause.

Yet, over the last few months, I’ve spent considerable time in prayer and consideration about what to do with the quotes. It takes multiple hours each week to curate the quotes, create graphics, and get them scheduled online and via email. It has certainly been worth the labor of love.

But, for a variety of reasons—foremost being the desire to leverage those hours to write content rather than merely produce quotes—I’ve decided to “push pause” on releasing quotes. I plan to reevaluate the start of next year what to do moving forward.

In the meantime, for those of you who desire good quotes …

  • there are nearly 5000 for you to peruse at deeperChristianquotes.com
  • I will still post one new quote in the Deeper Digest at the bottom of the weekly email … I just won’t be creating graphics or sending it separately via email
  • God willing, the plan is to create one additional article a week based on a longer quote—basically a key quote with commentary, reflection, questions, etc.

Again, my desire is to leverage the time I have to produce valuable content that is Christ-centered, Bible-based, and useful to help you live the Christian life.

As Oswald Chambers said, “Am I willing to be of no value to this age or this life except for one purpose and one alone—to be used to disciple men and women to the Lord Jesus Christ?”

I pray both of our answers to Chambers is a hearty “YES!”

Know I am praying for you and cheering you ever deeper into Christ!
– Nathan

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