Search results for : prayer

Your Journey to a Fulfilling Life

Search: prayer – Page 3

Search: prayer – Page 3

Prayer Answered By Crosses (John Newton)

John Newton (1725-1807) was a pastor, abolitionist, and the hymn writer who wrote the beloved “Amazing Grace.” Here is one of his poems about the cross being the answer to our prayers. May it encourage and enliven you today.    Prayer Answered by Crosses – by John Newton I ask’d [...]

Leonard Ravenhill’s Plea Against Unction-less Prayer

The great revivalist and preacher, Leonard Ravenhill, gives a short discourse on the tragedy of unction-less prayer. May we grow hot and passionate with soul-changing unction and fervor in our prayer lives. The Cinderella of the Church today is the prayer meeting. This handmaid of the Lord is unloved and [...]

The Prayer of a Righteous Man

When I first started my blog back in 2009, I came across this prayer that AW Tozer wrote on the day of his ordination. Having been hidden in the archives for the past several years, I felt it prudent to bring it forth, dust it off, and re-release it. What [...]

Starving Prayer

Dr. Alexander Whyte, a Scottish pastor, writer, and college professor, is probably best known for his character sketches on individuals in the Bible, as well as other noteworthy people throughout history. Considered a great pulpit orator and Bible teacher, Whyte often had five hundred young men stay after the Sunday [...]

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