I firmly believe that all of Scripture—both the New AND the Old Testaments point to Jesus Christ.
While Jesus’ name may not be in the Old Testament, ultimately God is revealing Jesus and His work upon the Cross on every page of the Old Testament.
Whether you look at the Law, the Prophets, Creation, the Hebrew feasts, the Tabernacle, or how God structured the Hebrew society—you see glimpses of Jesus throughout the Old Testament leading us to the revelation of Jesus Christ and His work upon the Cross in the New.
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Episode 10 Overview
In this episode, you will …
- see how Jesus is on every page of Scripture (including the Old Testament)
- hear three of my favorite Christophanies—”wow moments” in the Old Testament—that reveal Jesus
Show Notes / Additional Resources
See Jesus On Every Page of Scripture
Bible passages mentioned:
John 1:1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Revelation 19:13: … and His name is called The Word of God.
Luke 4:17-21: And He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written: “The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD.” Then He closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him. And He began to say to them, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”
Matthew 5:17: Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.
John 5:39: Search the Scriptures [Old Testament] for in them you think you have eternal life: they are they which testify of Me.
John 5:46: For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me.
Luke 24:25-27, 32 [Road to Emmaus]: Then He said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! Ought not the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into His glory?” And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures [Old Testament] the things concerning Himself.
Romans 5:14: Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned according to the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a type of Him who was to come.
Nancy Guthrie quote:
- Check out Nancy Guthrie’s book One Year Book of Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament
Taken from the Introduction: Most of my life I have read and been taught the Old Testament as a series of life lessons or faith lessons. … I knew that the Old Testament spoke of Christ, but in my mind that was limited to the prophecies about the coming of the Messiah. I did not see that, in fact, all of the Old Testament is preparing us to understand who Christ is and what he came to do. … What I did not see is that the Old Testament tells a story that only finds its completion in Jesus Christ. I did not see that Jesus is the offspring of the woman who will crush the head of the serpent. Jesus is the ark that protects the faithful remnant from judgment. Jesus is the fulfillment of all the blessings promised to Abraham. He is the greater Isaac, the beloved Son of his Father, offered as a sacrifice, who was not spared from the knife. Jesus is the stairway Jacob saw in his dream on which God comes down to earth. Jesus is the greater Joseph, the One whose suffering put him in place to become Savior to all who come to him for food amid the famine of this world. And those are just a few highlights from Genesis. Jesus is the reality to which all of the sacrifices and offerings and festivals point. He is the fulfillment of the Tabernacle and Temple, making his home among us. He is the greater Moses who brings his people out of slavery to sin, the greater Israel who is not disobedient in the wilderness, the greater son of David whose Kingdom will last forever, the greater Solomon who is the Prince of Peace. He is the weeping prophet, the greater Jonah who runs toward sinners rather than away from them, the Bridegroom, the Branch, Isaiah’s child who is born.
My 3 Favorite “Wow” Moments (3 Christophanies)
Christophany: how I’m using it here is an example, a picture, a “shadow,” of Jesus in the OT that points to the greater work of Jesus in the New. Whether it be through prophecy, symbolism, foreshadow, allegory, types — a Christophany is a passage that reveals Jesus from the Old Testament
1. The Lineage
Adam: man
Seth: appointed
Enosh: mortal, frail, or miserable
Kenan (Cainan): sorrow, dirge, elegy
Mahalalel: the Blessed God (coming from Mahalal: blessed or praise | El: name for God)
Jared: this is from the verb which means “shall come down”
Enoch: commencement or teaching
Methuselah: his death shall bring (coming from Meth: death | Shalach: to bring/send forth)
Lamech: despairing (root of this word is where we get our English word lament or lamentation)
Noah: comfort, rest (derived from nacham: to bring relief or comfort)
What may appear as an insignificant genealogy listing a bunch of names becomes an incredible picture of the Gospel of Christ.
Man (is)
sorrow; (but)
the Blessed God
shall come down
teaching (that)
His death shall bring
the despairing
comfort, rest
Watch the Bravehearted Christian Production of The Lineage of Majesty:
2. Aleph Tav [את]
Zechariah 12:10: And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me [את] whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn.
Genesis 1:1: In the beginning God [את]created the heaven and the earth.
3. Rahab
See Joshua 2
Other articles …
- A reminder why CONTEXT is so important in Bible Study

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About NRJohnson & the Deeper Christian Podcast
NRJohnson (Nathan Johnson) is a Christian who has an overwhelming passion for Jesus, the Gospel, and Studying God’s Word. He is a writer, teacher, and communicator who helps other believers understand and apply the Bible as they grow and mature in their faith—desiring that they gain greater intimacy with Christ, experience the victorious Christian life, and transform the world through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Read more about him here.
The Deeper Christian Podcast is the podcast to help you study God’s Word, know Jesus intimately, and discover how you can build your life around Jesus Christ. This weekly audio program, hosted by NRJohnson, dives into Scripture and encourages Christians to keep their focus upon Jesus Christ—equipping believers in how to study the Bible and know God’s Word, grow in their spiritual lives, and change the world. Main discussion topics center around practical advice on Christian living, Bible study, prayer, the Gospel, freedom from sin, evangelism and how to share your faith, the Christian disciplines, and the lives and messages from the Christian heroes from yesteryear such as A.W. Tozer, Charles Spurgeon, Major Ian Thomas, Oswald Chambers, Hudson Taylor, Amy Carmichael, Corrie Ten Boom, C.T. Studd, George Müller, Andrew Murray, Leonard Ravenhill, E.M. Bounds, and others. Learn more about the deeper Christian life.
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About NRJohnson
NRJohnson (Nathan Johnson) is the host of the Deeper Christian Podcast and has an overwhelming passion for Jesus, the Gospel, and Studying God’s Word. He is a writer, teacher, and communicator who helps other believers understand and apply the Bible as they grow and mature in their faith—desiring that they gain greater intimacy with Christ, experience the victorious Christian life, and transform the world through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Read more about him here.
About the Deeper Christian Podcast
Many Christians feel frustrated because they don’t grow spiritually. The Deeper Christian Podcast helps equip Christians to understand the Word of God and cultivate a passionate love for Jesus that turns the world upside down.
Whether you want to learn how to study God’s Word, grow in your faith, cultivate a powerful and effective prayer life, share the Gospel boldly, deepen your intimacy with Jesus, live victoriously, or transform the world through the indwelling life of the Holy Spirit, the Deeper Christian Podcast with NRJohnson (Nathan Johnson) will encourage and equip you to grow spiritually and live a Christ-centered life.