Do you have true peace in every circumstance and trouble and issue in your life?

You can!

As believers, Paul reminds us that we have a peace (God’s shalom) that surpasses all understanding available in Christ that will guard our inner life.

In this episode, Nathan talks about this incredible peace and what it means to find it amidst your troubles.

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  • Philippians 4:7 – And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
  • Ephesians 2:14a – For He Himself [Jesus] is our peace …
  • Thomas Watson – If God be our God, He will give us peace in trouble. When there is storm without, He will make peace within. The world can create trouble in peace, but God can create peace in trouble.*

*Gleanings from Thomas Watson. Compiled by Hamilton Smith. Morgan, Pa.: Soli Deo Gloria, 1995. This is a reprint of Gleanings from the Past: Extracts from the Writings of Thomas Watson (London: Central Bible Truth Depot, 1915), 63.

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Question: What areas of life do you need God to be your peace?

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About NRJohnson

NRJohnson (Nathan Johnson) is the host of the Deeper Christian Podcast and has an overwhelming passion for Jesus, the Gospel, and Studying God’s Word. He is a writer, teacher, and communicator who helps other believers understand and apply the Bible as they grow and mature in their faith—desiring that they gain greater intimacy with Christ, experience the victorious Christian life, and transform the world through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Read more about him here.

About the Deeper Christian Podcast

Many Christians feel frustrated because they don’t grow spiritually. The Deeper Christian Podcast helps equip Christians to understand the Word of God and cultivate a passionate love for Jesus that turns the world upside down.

Whether you want to learn how to study God’s Word, grow in your faith, cultivate a powerful and effective prayer life, share the Gospel boldly, deepen your intimacy with Jesus, live victoriously, or transform the world through the indwelling life of the Holy Spirit, the Deeper Christian Podcast with NRJohnson (Nathan Johnson) will encourage and equip you to grow spiritually and live a Christ-centered life.

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