I changed my phone background recently to showcase Philippians 3:8 – “I count all things to be loss because of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord …”

It is one of those passages to easily quote, nod along, and affirm … but strangely difficult to live.

Do I, in fact, count all things loss and worthless in view of Christ Jesus? Would I be willing to exchange absolutely everything to have greater understanding of and intimacy with Him?

I might honestly be willing to give up SOME things … but to give up ALL things??

I think my hesitancy comes from the fact that my focus is on my “all things” rather than on Christ Himself. For I am convinced, that if my focus was truly upon Christ, and I beheld the majesty, grandeur, and glory of our precious Savior, Paul’s statement would quickly fill my lips.

I want to behold, delight in, and adore Christ Jesus to the point where I am willing to lay aside, not just the things which so easily entangles (see Hebrews 12:1–2), but to lay aside ALL things because of the truly overwhelming and surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.

What about you?

Know I am praying that Jesus would become the surpassing value of your life.

*Download the Philippians 3:8 background at ScriptureType (a great ministry)

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